apigee-config-maven-plugin | Issue in creating KVM

I am facing issue while deploying API proxy via maven plugin. API proxy got deployed successfully whereas KVM not created.

I am using "apigee-config-maven-plugin" to create new KVM in APIGEE.

I can see "Skipping KVM (default action)" in console.

Getting below error:

[INFO] --- apigee-config-maven-plugin:1.2.1:keyvaluemaps (create-config-kvm)
[INFO] ************************************************************************
[INFO] Apigee KVM
[INFO] ************************************************************************
[INFO] Skipping KVM (default action)

Please suggest how to proceed.

0 1 404

HI Mohit

Please pass config arguments along as mentioned in the documentation. If the args are not passed, the config plugin skips the step. The args are -Dapigee.config.options=create|update|delete|sync

If you are using edge.json, then you dont have to pass anything. If you are using the folder approach, then pass -Dapigee.config.dir=<path>. Please check the plugin docs