apigee-mirror utility to sync the Apigee repo does not work


I am trying to create a local Apigee repository on a server and following the steps in the below url.


There are no problem until the step9, but I have a problem in step10, to sync the Apigee repo to the /opt/apigee/data/apigee-mirror/repos/ directory.

   /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-mirror sync

I get the following error.

Error setting up repositories: failure: repodata/repomd.xml from apigee-thirdparty-6: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
https://uName:pWord@software.apigee.com/thirdparty/6/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: software.apigee.com; Name or service not known"

Any cause or solution for this?

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Does http_proxy have a value? If not, can you export your network proxy setting and try again

For example

export http_proxy=http://proxy:port

or https_proxy for https

(Resolved the issue in this instance)

View solution in original post


Does the server has an open internet connection? Are you able to verify separately you can resolve software.apigee.com to an ip address on it eg via ping?

@dane knezic,

Thanks for your answer.

Yes, the server has an internet connection, but via our company proxy.

Although Ping does not work directly to software.apigee.com, curl works to software.apigee.com from the server.

Sounds like an internet or dns issue

Do you have any luck pinging the ip directly?

Thanks for your reply.

The pind does not work.

But, donwloading yum packages, bootstra@.4.17.XX.sh, and apigee-mirror to the server via Internet works without any problem.

I do not undestand the reason why only the apigee repo sync does not work.


Does http_proxy have a value? If not, can you export your network proxy setting and try again

For example

export http_proxy=http://proxy:port

or https_proxy for https

(Resolved the issue in this instance)

Thanks for your help.

It works!

I have configured our proxy configuration in the system configuration as follows though some of them may be irrelevant.

- /etc/profile

MY_PROXY_URL="http://<proxy user>:<proxy password@<proxy server name>:<port>" 
export http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy

source /etc/profile

It seems that reposync is looking at the system configuration for the proxy settings.