eLearning Videos , Speed controls, quality, & sizing, We need to have the ability to control the videos,

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Great suggestions @Valentino , I am sure many would like to see above features including myself, We will keep you posted.

Take a look at the series of 4 Minute Videos for Developers (4MV4D) and the other content on our YouTube channel. The videos hosted in YouTube support different quality / resizing and you can fast forward / rewind them.

We are in the process of deprecating the Apigee eLearning content in favor of these 4MV4D, Apigee Docs and this Apigee Community site.

If this has answered you question, please click the Accept link. This will also help others looking for answers on the same topics.

Not applicable

@Valentino Until we have this fixed on our side, one alternative could be as follows:

  1. Hover on vimeo on the right bottom.
  2. If you are able to click on it (some platforms don't let you do that, on mac I can), the video will run on vimeo
  3. Now you can click on maximize at the bottom right to be able to run the video in expand mode.

Hope this helps.