edgemicro-auth returns malformed JWT (if multiple products), causes api calls to be rejected.

Not applicable

When using edgemicro and JWT authentication.

The generated the JWT's claim field "api_product_list" includes space-prefixed product names.

Subsequently calling any api contained with the space-prefixed product name, cause the api call to be rejected.

Is this a known issues with edgemicro


Subscribe your application to 2+ products. ("provider" and "testing") in this case.

Obtain the edgemicro JWT:

curl -i -X POST --user TMSCQYzFJGABqr1Qd0R7F2RTR6C:6IRJPccisKm0 "http://yourorg-test.apigee.net/edgemicro-auth/token" -d '{"grant_type": "client_credentials"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Decode the returned JWT

  "application_name": "9f84f7-911e-4d90-bcec-f8cbd9b2b6",
  "client_id": "TMSCQYzFJGABqr1Qd0R7F2RTR6ZZZVvup",
  "scopes": [],
  "api_product_list": [
    " testing"
  "iat": 1475194622,
  "exp": 1475196421

Notice the api_product_list contains "<space>testing" (NOT "testing")

1 3 196

Very clearly explained, thanks.

@Srinandan Sridhar is working on some changes RIGHT NOW, which may correct this problem.

Former Community Member
Not applicable
@Murray Speight

I have confirmed the defect. This problem does not occur on the release I'm working on. Let me get back to you on when we can release the new version.

@Srinandan Sridhar Has this been released?