ftp instead of cURL to create push notification

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In the documentation of the Apigee BaaS (


you can read, how to use cURL to create a push notification and target it to a device.

The http request will be performend with this command:

curl -X POST https://api.usergrid.com/<org>/<app>/devices/<device_ID>/notifications -d '{"payloads":{<notifier>:<message>}}'

Now I want to know, if there is a possibility, to do the same using an ftp client. Which command do I have to type in a Windows XP command window to perform the same request like it cURL does?

Or isn't this possible?

Last times, I always received an answer "500" from the server, that means error.

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Why do you want to use FTP? FTP and HTTP are quite different. Is there some reason you want to do this over FTP? Is it just that you want to use a different client than curl? Or something else?

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no this is only a question. ftp is already running on my windows XP server and I had some problems to get cURL running also. So I asked myself, if it is possible to do the same with ftp. But I 'm not an expert in using ftp and cURL, so I asked this question.

And is it possible?

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Hi, @Michael Schneider. FTP is File Transfer Protocol. cURL uses HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol). So you can't call an HTTP-based API using FTP.

There are other ways to call an API besides cURL. If you use Google Chrome or Firefox, you can install REST clients (I like Postman for Chrome) and have a GUI that also lets you parameterize, organize, and store your API calls for easy reuse.

Another option for using cURL from Windows is to install Cygwin.