getting error on postman

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Can you be more specific about the error you are seeing , and the specific request you are trying within Postman when you see the error?

Can you Maybe attach a screenshot, showing the error that you see on screen?

"Unable to identify proxy for host: secure and url: /db/products/47648949"

means ... you have not deployed a proxy that is listening there.

In Apigee, a ProxyEndpoint is the thing, the entity that defines the inbound communication endpoint. A ProxyEndpoint includes exactly one BasePath and one or more VirtualHost entities.

In the evaluation organizations, the virtualhosts are defined for you. They are named "secure" and "default". The "secure" vhost listens on {{org}}-{{env}} , port 443. (you must use https: scheme). The "default" vhost listens on the same hostname, but port 80. I dislike the name "default", I think it should be named "insecure".

It seems you are using postman to send a request to the secure vhost, and to path /db/products/something , nbut there is no ProxyEndpoint in your apigee organization which is listening on a basepath of /db or /db/products.

Therefore Apigee is telling you, "no one is home".

Check your basepath to see if it is set according to your expectations.

To fix the problem, do one of the following:

  1. modify the basepath and redeploy the proxy, and then retry the request from postman
  2. or, modify the path you use in postman to match the basepath in your proxyendpoint.

Thanks for the help but I can't understand actually I am following Coursera and done same thing that they have trained over there however the base path is mentioned /v1 and same thing I have deployed.please help

Base path of /v1 is not what your postman request indicates.

The error response you showed me from Apigee is telling me that your request used a path of /db/products/something.

If your proxy is deployed at a basepath of /v1, then Your postman must send a request with a basepath of /v1.

Then what kind of request needs to send via postman

I'm sorry, ...

I think I may have mis-analyzed the situation.I looked again and I can see your postman is using /v1/products. You told me that your API Proxy is listening on a basepath of /v1 . So I think your API proxy is receiving the request.

The error message you see, I suspect, is from the BACKEND.

The way to verify this is to turn on Apigee tracing, re-send the postman request, and then examine the trace results. This is covered here.

In the Trace UI you should see that the API Proxy receives the request, tries to communicate to the backend, and that backend is failing. The error that you see in postman is being sent by the backend, to Apigee. And then Apigee is sending it to postman.

So the problem is not between Postman and Apigee. The problem (I believe) is between Apigee and the upstream (or backend) system.

I don't know what problem it is, but this is what it seems like.

So please re-check what your target URL ought to be in the API Proxy. I don't know what it's supposed to be. I am not looking at the Training materials, and I don't know which training materials you are using.

Maybe @Sai Saran Vaidyanathan @Sai Saran Vaidyanathan knows?

HI @Supriyo kumar

Once you have imported Postman collection and environment, make sure that you have selected the environment in your Postman when making a call. See the screenshot below


Also make sure when you hover your mouse pointer over the URL in the POSTMAN, its pointing to your Apigee org and env. The values are passed from the Env you have selected on the top right as shown in the screenshot above. See the screenshot below


In my case, my environment value for org is gcp-cs-training-01. You should be seeing whatever you configured. If you are seeing "yourOrg" then update the environment configuration so that it points to your Apigee org. Similarly if your env value is pointing to "yourEnv", make sure you update that to your appropriate Apigee environment as well

Hope that clarifies

Hi sai , same thing I have done previously .. getting same error

Hi sai please help

Can you confirm if the proxy is configured correctly and deployed ? In the proxy, if you go to Overview tab, you will see the full URL of the API. Can you hit that and see if its working ? I have a feeling its something wrong in your proxy if you think everything in POSTMAN is correct

Yes it's correctly deployed and getting same error when I hit the url of that proxy through the browser..can I share my screen plese let me know if I can do

Sent you an email

resolved as it was a iisue with the setup... thanks @sai saran for your time.


the postman sent it but also did not decide the question