issues using SOAP Message validation policy

Hi Team,

I tried to create a passthrough proxy by uploading a WSDL file,now when i try to validate a XML message using the same WSDL,using the SOAP Validation Message policy,its throwing an error like below

{ "fault": { "faultstring": "SOAP-Message-Validation-1 failed with reason: \"Unexpected Root Element api:retrieveMetadata [Line 6]\"", "detail": { "errorcode": "steps.messagevalidation.Failed" } } }

any pointers on why this error is being thrown,I have validated the XML with WSDL through soap ui before firing the request through the passthrough Proxy,bit confused as why APIGEE is throwing this error

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show us the document with the root element.

Normally a soap message has soap:Envelope as the root element. The error message indicates that the validation policy is seeing api:retrieveMetadata .

But that is on line 6, so I'm not sure if that's really the root element or if maybe the message is misleading. Anyway show us the document so we can help.

Also show the message validation policy.