orgs migration tool


We use migration-tool projet to migrate org from our APIgee-Edge private platforms. We have an issue concerning keys importations.

The export step is correct and exports all org datas : apps, devs, products and proxies. But when we run the import the links beetween apps and product are not well imported : many apps doesn't have their original product subscription.

Do you have noticied this type of behavior ?



1 3 493

Not applicable

@msavary What tool are you using to migrate data from one org to another one?

I have used this tool in past and have never had an issue -

Make sure you follow the order of import and it should just work fine.

How many apps and developers are we talking about here that you need to migrate?


The tool doesn't seem to import all the revision of a proxy. If a proxy has more than one revision, it migrates only one revision. Could you please suggest something for this.

@akash ojha,

You can use this tool to download all the revisions of a proxy.