fails while executing dropdb

The Private Cloud operations guide recommend using the script to restore the postgres from a backup file post events like reinstallation.

It is likely that the script may fail with the following error during execution :

dropdb: database removal failed: ERROR: database "apigee" is being accessed by other users

This may not be a fatal error and may result in the data being added onto the existing db as opposed to dropping it and creating afresh - And that is the problem.

How can this be resolved ?

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Because the pre-req for running the restore-postgres script is to have the postgres servers running, it is quite possible that there are active connections when dropdb is being executed from within the script.

The above error occurs when there are any active connections. To terminate the connections, the following command can be used before running the script :

select pg_terminate_backend(procpid) from pg_stat_activity where datname = '<database name>';

where database name needs to be replaced with apigee for the example outlined in the question.

This will prevent the dropdb failure.