unable to call third party service from apigee

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I am facing issue while call third party service.

Able to hit third party service from postman (through client proxy)

Trying to hit same from target endpoint like this


please let me know, if i missing anything

0 2 138

it could be that your proxy is not accessible from the Apigee Edge gateway machine .

Have you verified that?

BTW, Are you referring to Apigee Edge Saas or a customer-managed installation of Apigee Edge? Where is the gateway machine running?

Hi @Guru Venkatesh,

Correct me if wrong but I think you are specifying the http forward proxy via your elements Host and port which I do not think the message processor will take into account to honor them it just ignores them. To see a detailed guide to set up an http proxy to your third party services check here https://docs.apigee.com/private-cloud/latest/configure-forward-proxying-edge-backend-server, Note that this is very likely not to be available to eval/trial orgs.

Hope this helps