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3X_3_b_3bb250a6184869caaa6bbdda883e0f1fff168948.png Hi,
all our business critical Apps are down this morning with this error. Waiting on support to reply to me but wondering if anyone on here has a solution.

Seems to have lost source and is just spinning trying to connect to Sharepoint

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Same for me.

I got ours resolved. I had to delete our Microsoft sources and re add them. Logging out and back in just didnโ€™t work.

Support got back to me to let me know that they were aware of the issues as others had reported it but they had no solution. I asked them if they could actually let users know when they become aware of issues. If I had known earlier I could have had this issue resolved before the office opened this morning (UK time) and avoided all the business down time.


All apps were working for a good while and now all starting again
Still no word from Support

Iโ€™ve opened another ticket with support, canโ€™t continually log in and out all day to keep the apps going. Iโ€™ve noticed itโ€™s about 1-2 hours between โ€œreauthenticationโ€ and everything working fine, to the error message.

Same. Just had to delete and re add again all sources.
Are you based in the UK too @jtelson? Wondering if that has any significance.

Iโ€™m US-based. I just got a response from support, it is on their end (happened during an update to tighten security) and they are deploying a fix for it today. In the meantime we may have to log in and out a few more times.

thanks for the update @jtelson. I got no response from them yet.

@Martina Support has stated they rolled the fix out. I havenโ€™t had the issue reoccur yet.

Thanks, I still havenโ€™t heard back from them

Hi Martina, sorry to hear you havenโ€™t received any update from our support team. We have made some updates on the background. Would you please inform if you are still seeing the same and you need to sign out again, thanks.

Thanks Aleksi, all seems to be ok now. Support are usually very good and very efficient.

If you still see the same, please inform, thanks.

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