Add/Edit/Delete the same record in two tables at the same time

Hi guys
I'm trying to create/modify/delete the same record in two tables at the same time.
This is a sales invoice + movements of the products

Example I have these tables:
Table "OrderHeader"
Fields "OrderHeaderID, Date, CustomerID"
Here it is kept well

Table "OrderDetail"
Fields "OrderDetailID, OrderHeaderID, ProductID, Qty, Price"
Here it is kept well

Table "Movements"
Fields "MovementID, ProductID, ProductName, Stock, Price"
But in this table I don't know how to do it


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Schauen Sie folgendes Videos, dort wird dies gut erklรคrt:Datensรคtze in eine andere Tabelle automatisch kopieren   

Thank you

It already works, at least the copy

Now I am faced with a detail is that if I modify the sales quantities, when I save it creates another new record in the Movements table, and it should only update

That's why it said, How do you add, edit and delete the same record in two tables at the same time?



Hello, any help, I have no idea how to solve this situation,
How to make it allow me to add, edit and delete the corresponding files of the sales invoice in the table of movements?

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