Add row to another table

I possess an app with the depicted workflow. How can I update the panel checklist ID column (highlighted in red) to ensure that the data added from the checklist item table remains linked to the parent ID from the panel checklist table?



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One thing I can think of doing is

1. Create a quick edit field of text with valid-if OR([_THIS]="", [_THIS]=USEREMAIL())

2. Make the action (Execute an action on ..) conditional to this field equals USEREMAIL()

3. In the add another row, the panel checklist row that triggers the action can be identified by the field LOOKUP(USEREMAIL(), "Panel Checklist", "the field in step1", "Key field").

It would be a whole lot simpler if INPUT() can be used in this use case.....

Unfortunately,  it's not operating at its best. Do you have any other ideas?

cc: @AleksiAlkio 

If you are triggering the action when a new row is first created and saved in Panel Checklist than MAXROW("Panel Checklist", "_ROWNUMBER") might work to identify it.

If you are OK to go with a bot calling AppSheet API, then 

Create a bot on Panel Checklist for Add or Edit.

Call Web API to Add action to Panel Check List Item

The template should be something like

<<Start: Here get a list of check list items you want to copy>>

"ref to panel Checklist": <<[_THISROW].[Panel Checklist key col]>>   //you can use this to obtain the key column of Panel Checklist that initiated this bot.



Hey @TeeSee1 Thank you,
I think I will use the MAXROW() function, it's simpler. I'll add another column called 'created date'

If you encounter heavy simultaneous execution, you may get unexpected results. I would test it if you may have these situations.

If you're also capturing the creator then ANDing that with the creation time should give you further assistance.

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