Adding a favorite button and subsequent view

Hi everyone,

I am new to Appsheet but have managed to create a drill down type of App that enables users to go from Author level to paragraph from a selection of textbooks

What I would then like is for users to be able to click a star icon that will go from empty format to filled when looking at a paragraph. These selections should then be displayed in a seperate view called "favorites".

I am not wanting users to log into the app so the input can follow the device and not a user.

Hope this makes sence and one of you are able to help ๐Ÿ™‚


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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Jorgen 

Can you change your category question to "Q&A", as "Tips & Tricks" are for sharing Tips & tricks, not questions.

"Q&A"' allows to ask question, get it answered, and mark it as being solved for later community users.


About your question:

@Jorgen wrote:

I am not wanting users to log into the app so the input can follow the device and not a user.

Not possible AFAIK.


Hi - thanks for your reply although it sounds odd if it is not possible to create a simple favourite function

I do not see the option of changing the category to Q&A - do I need to delete and re-submit in Q&A you think?



Hi @Jorgen 

@Jorgen wrote:

I do not see the option of changing the category to Q&A - do I need to delete and re-submit in Q&A you think?

Good point, I just gave it a try and could not do it either.

@Roderick do you know how to do so ?

@Jorgen wrote:

it sounds odd if it is not possible to create a simple favourite function

Well, you can, but it's either for all of users at once or just one user. If this is for one ==> separate table ==> it works as "per user".



It will be for one user - I am just not planning for users to log in to the App - is that possible and how do you create that function?

@Jorgen wrote:

It will be for one user - I am just not planning for users to log in to the App - is that possible


Using "favorite" button for individual users requires them to sign-in.

Hence, not possible.

Thank you for the feedback - I will then have users log in as this function is key for my app. Any input as how to do it then?


You have various possibilities. 

You can either create a "favorite" table + using a security filter on the favorite table.

One action button would add this item in the Favorite table, the other one would remove it.

For reference:

Security filters: The Essentials - AppSheet Help


@Aurelien wrote:

Hence, not possible.

I've never tried it, but my understanding is that it's indeed possible using the CONTEXT function's "Device" option. That doesn't authenticate a user, but I believe does uniquely identify a user's mobile device or browser session.

I thought about this too, but I don't think that could work. I may be wrong, but I don't think it's possible to store a value in the User Settings.

AFAIK, it's indeed not possible to do something like set the value of a User Settings column via an action. My suggestion was instead based on a technique like storing the device id in a data source table analogous to how it's common to store a user id and then reference the current user.

@Aurelien wrote:

do you know how to do so ?

You can notify community administrators using the "Report Inappropriate Content" option and they'll move the conversation to the appropriate board.



I was afraid to use this option as it is negatively associated in my mind ๐Ÿ˜‚

Thank you @dbaum 

Yes, it wouldn't have occurred to me either. I only know since someone else previously posted that point like I did here. When you select the option, you can enter a brief comment that explains your intent.

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