Apigee Integration Beta Program

Hello Community,

I see in the Data-source, Apigee (Beta) option is already rolled out.

I was trying to integrate my Appsheet (Trial account) with out Apigee environmenta and getting error.

Error : Not connected. Error: You do not have permission to access data in Apigee. Please ensure your Apigee API key and Base ID are correct.

There are 2 options to connect to Apigee (OpenAPI Spec and Manual ) and i tried with both the options not sure why its not working

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create an Apigee App by subscribe API products and get App Key
  2. Goto Appsheet Account >> My Account>> Setting>> Add DataSource>> Select Apigee (beta)
  3. App APP key, Provide Base URL and provide API Products (separating commas also tried with passing just one)
  4. It throws error.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Anupam Sharma

0 37 1,097

Hi Anupam,

I tried to hit the API path mentioned in your example. I am seeing the API Key auth error.

Can you please generate a temporary API Key (you can revoke this after we can test this out on our end). Please email the Temporary API Key to harshchevuru@google.com to verify this.



Hi Harsh,

Have sent an API Key on your email.
Thank you very much


Not the most knowledgeable on APIs and no clue about Apigee but posting a Key and Secret doesnโ€™t sound like a good idea even if no one on here would be malicious (maybe thereโ€™s more you need with Apigee?)

trueโ€ฆ i thought i responded in one to one modeโ€ฆ it is now deleted from the system. Thanks

Hi Anupam,

Looks like there is issue with APIKey validation in your proxy. Can you please add me and/or achuthr@google.com / @Achuthr to your org and we can look into the proxy in question.


Hi Harsh,

Have sent you both an email to onboard on my organisation.

Best if we can have a short call.
I am based out of London but feel free to suggest any time and i will make myself available.


@vinothp and @Scott_Haaland for FYI

Anupam, as discussed the workaround is to use apikey as header for key in place of x-apikey.We will be making the change in next day to accept x-apikey and inform you.

Regarding the feature, we will be sharing more information over email until we get to public docs. As long as your API response conforms to this format, you will be able to get a Appsheet table in response.

  "StandardData": [
          "ID": 1,
          "TextValue": "Test1",
          "DecimalValue": 1.10,
          "DateTime": "1/1/2016 1:01:01 AM",
          "PhoneValue": "111 111 1111",
          "EmailValue": "email1@appsheet.com"
          "ID": 2,
          "TextValue": "Test2",
          "DecimalValue": 1.11,
          "DateTime": "2/1/2016 1:01:01 AM",
          "PhoneValue": "111 112 1111",
          "EmailValue": "email2@appsheet.com"

Thank you Harsh.

Please let us know when the changes to accept x-apikey are done.


Hi @Anupam_Sharma,

This change for x-apikey is available now and you can try it.


I exactly try this schema but I failed with this error:
Table โ€™ ******โ€™ uses schema โ€˜โ€™ which could not be found.

Is there a new table schema available for apigee?

Appsheet with combination of Apigee only accept JSON format with a Schema. If your API returns a JSON scheme which is not in line with one Appsheet support , you need to work on Apigee side to convert scheme, using JavaScript policy or something.
Coding is needed for sure on this no code platform .

Thanks for your reply,

My backend still return json schema.
So my question is, How to be in line with Appsheet support ? Is there any documentation anywhere?

This should be official document where you see the JSON format Appsheet is going to support.

If your API response (JSON body) is not in line with this format, then you have to convert, using Apigee as platform. Recalling my past experience, we need to involve Javascript Policy within Apigee to covert the resopnse schema and pass onto as new response to appsheet so that AppSheet can read.

All in all, need bit of jobs.

Wondering how no code platform (Appsheet) is going to interact with coding platform (Apigee)โ€ฆ


Appsheet : For citizon developper like me, no coding experience
Apigee : Tool for developer or engineer.

How can we mix them up? That s question to my self. Big challenge.

Hi @tsuji_koichi ,

AppSheet+Apigee is actually a powerful combination when done correctly. In some cases the Apigee Developer may need to do some extra work to publish a version of the API in a specific way that AppSheet can consume it. Once this is done, the APIs that are created to expose the data of the business to partners and consumers are now available to a no-code citizen developer in AppSheet as well.

The intention was never that an AppSheet Citizen Developer would create or maintain an Apigee Proxy, but that they would work with the Apigee Developers in their organization to consume the APIs available in Apigee. Every API that is published on a developer portal is exactly intended for this: To have apps consume that API. In our case, the App happens to be a no-code app, rather than a high code app that Apigee APIs are used to working with in the past.

Hope that helps,

Yes, AppSheet + Apigee is a powerful combination, it is not a point we would argue about. I found learning Apigee as platform overall is little expensive to set up what we want, especially for API which is not on the Open API standard, where the backend engineer who are familiar with API as well as Apigee could manage to set up what we need. The question is how many Appsheet citizen developper have access to such engineer either internally or externally. I bet there is not much.

After the Google acquisition, I have a strong suspicion that AppSheet is NOT as appealing to citizen developers as it was before. However, I also think it can attract new developers who have some coding experience as the capabilities are much expanded. IMHO, Apigee needs to evolve to incorporate more of the AppSheet paradigms/use cases to make it easier to use and integrate seamlessly with AppSheet apps. We have to wait and see.

I agree perfectly with you.

In addition , after the Google acquisition, platform is getting vulnerable. Every single day, we are talking about outage or bugs. Yes it was bug before before Google. But issue was quickly sorted after reporting to appsheet team . Now takes much. Also not sure if the reported bug is addressed and attended as we donโ€™t get much of update .

I also feel distance to appsheet team members as well. They used to be closer to us. But I these days feels they are far away from us.

Very sad

I fed up with reporting noticed bug as it turned to be daily job. โ€ฆ

I claimed here in the community before, appsheet should consider to dip the feature after ensuring no visible bugs after testing. Like Version Control.
We see new feature which is fantastic but then break up something else. Then the codes are reverted back to old one . One step ahead and then step back. During the bugs all the users Aare affected and keeps fingers crossed the bugs are fixed soon, which is now turning to my daily job .

I m happy to get involved for testing new feature and giving feedback to the benefit for the community, and I believe I did so for years.
But after giving feedback, no feedback back from Appsheet. Not fair.
Sorry, i m pro appsheet creator, and my life is always with and upto Appsheet. My life is getting at risk due to poor app performance ,and we are dealing with bunch of cliamns and voices from my end clients and customer. My life is currently at risk wih appsheet.

Agreed completely. Sad indeed. Youโ€™re not alone. We (and I think others) are also evaluating the current situation to see if we want to continue with AppSheet.

I seriously started to think about it. if selecting Appsheet was good choice or I should start to look into alternative solutions to push to my end clients. Honestly.

My recent conversation with app user (end client), Tsuji, this is not working today, something wrong.
Thne say, bear with us, this is unknown issue, we reported to Appshet, should be sorted out.
Next day, client naturally ask for the status. I say, sorry, still the issue persist, appreciate for bearing for a bit another while.
While waiting for the fix, the clients reports another issue. We investigate, Yes, it is there.
Sorry for the inconvenience, the issue seems to be known as well.

This is continuing days and days.

This is not a single case, but happens quite often.
Once we deploy the app to the clients, the alert is set ON. I got to bed. Then next morning, my inbox is full with alert like this.

How can i start my new day every dayโ€ฆ

Oh wow!! You are a very patient and tolerant man is all I can say.

I m not tolerant at all, rather short-temper. My wife always claim over me, you have to behaive wellโ€ฆ Yes, I m trying to behaive nicely, but I m always too much honest in terms of what i m thinking of.

thanks i see it is working now

New Member

Hi Koichi and Bellave,

We of course cannot change how you feel and perceive the change since the acquisition and we cannot try to excuse it either, nor do we want to.
Let me give you a bit of insights on what might be causing it though. And before I go any further we constantly try to improve and address the feedback around delay or quality of support answers here or in our support system.

The fact that things might feel somewhat degraded since the acquisition is not directly due to Googleโ€™s ways. It is a side effect of high growth. High growth of both engineers and customers.
We added a lot of new engineers rapidly and we try to continue to address your feedback and feature improvement aggressively and with a higher cadence than what classic Google would recommend we did actually. We are still trying hard to ship and improve the product everyday. And we are doing that while rewiring the entire backend infrastructure to allow us to scale better in the future. That combination sometimes results in unforeseen issues we have to address within days later on. It is no excuse for what you experience, but please do know it comes from a genuine interest and desire to continue to provide value and increase capability for all of you, our trusted customers, at a high rate.

Regarding the delay with getting answers or access to the team. We also have seen a huge increase of tickets that correspond fairly linearly, to a huge increase of customers as well. That meant that each engineer cannot engage as much as we used to when we had a much smaller customer base. Our new frontline support team is growing and improving but they are far from being able to answer in the way engineers did.
Do know that we monitor the community. Harsh, Praveen, and PMs like Arthur or Scott, or community influencers like Steve are in here every day. You can always reach out directly to one of us if your issue is not being addressed in a timely manner or you are not receiving any communication back from the frontline team.
We are tracking down on tickets that are unresponded by a few days and are trying to bring it down so that we are back to addressing things within a day or so. When we fail, reach out to us directly.

The team is aware and not happy with late or stale tickets, and is fully committed to serving our customer base as we always have in the past. I can guarantee you there is no change in commitment to making the product better for you and helping answer support issues rapidly. Coincidentally, we actually spent a good portion of this morning Daily sync meeting discussing this with the entire teamโ€ฆ

We are not perfect, but we are committed to getting better. I hope we can own and deserve your continued trust and patience with us.


Hi @TDhers
Thknas for the detailed comments. The difficulty with me is im Appsheet partner (as far as I believe) and pushing Appsheet to everyone as recoomendation. And we develops and manage app EVERY DAY (Even now to trouble shoot at 3 am in my time) Thats my responsibility to my clients, so i wont complain.
At the same time, i m also app users as well, i m using appsheet app for own resons.

I m with Appsheet for 4 years almost.

I know what it was before and after google.

But honestly speaking, as apps users, I m not careing about if it is google or not. Appsheet is appsheet. (at least for me.)

Whenever I raise the โ€œcomplainโ€ and my dissatisfactoin, I always here, just because of Google or not google. Honestly Google is not my business. I just love Appsheet.

As the requirement for hte appsheet partner, as well as my volunteers to push up Appsheet to the higher level, I sacriface my own time as voluteer basis to help commuinty member here. One f the reasons was to help our my own business as Appsheet partner. But honstly we never get any additoinal benefit against our effort. I m still just a one of the Appsheet users.

โ€œNow Appsheet partne programm is suspendedโ€


but no reason given even for existing parner.

I directly ask question for the clarification. Answer is โ€œjust google involvementโ€ Honstly this is not answering to my quesiton, as Google is nothing to do with me. (As appsheet users)

you imagine, sometihng wrong happens to the app. And my app user get in touch wiht me. I can t say, โ€œsorry, this is just because of googleโ€ Obviolsy i m not dealing with the case, and my client get angry over me for sure.

Im not sure if this is starndard view and perceptin to the Google business solutioin including Appsheet. Most of the usres are asking question. Tsuji, the solution you are pushing is with google. As a matte of time, it will be pushed out, or stop the services?
Always, i got question ,then answer back to them, no woryr, appsheet is appsheet. They can live on their own, as it is perfect solution.

Honestly, im short in my hands to solve the bunch of problems around me.


I m now calling day off. The last suggestion I would say is to better to call a poll for years-experiencing appsheet users and creators. If we (as appsheet usre and creators) feels the additional values or benefit after the Google stuffs, do you say either yes or no.

As you can see, i vote no.

Better not to ask why, state the details? Don t do it ,as it is never ending for me .

As usual, super honest and cristal clear feedback from myself to hope Appsheet move to better stage.

Nigh nigh.

@tsuji_koichi and @Bellave_Jayaram first of all apologies for all the issues caused. We celebrate your candid and honest feedback as thatโ€™s our true measure.

As someone who has been involved in Appsheet since its pre acquisition, I would like to say Google has embraced Appsheetโ€™s user/customer centric vision, culture and engineering rigor. Our mid and longer term plans were shared with lot of you over community updates by our founder @praveen earlier this year. Appsheet has been operating autonomously as an entity and we donโ€™t see any signals of that being revisited in fact the scope of no-code platform keeps getting more ambitious. That said, we are also working on integrating with Google to take advantage of its world class infrastructure and large process/product/marketing/sales/support teams. Its an interesting and hard problem to solve in taking whats beneficial from Google and yet preserve Appsheetโ€™s culture. As you can see, its going take us some time to get this right and replicate Appsheetโ€™s culture at scale with significantly larger teams.

As someone who can influence appsheet teams internally, I will personally strive to turn your experiences to mostly positive. Please reach out to me directly for any issues and I am happy to engage personally.


If I may offer an analogy to illustrate the situation:
Imagine that AppSheet is a pizza. It offers a great crust and awesome sauce and cheese. Everybody loves it and keeps devouring it. Then it becomes a new and improved pizza with lots of toppings. Each topping is more enticing than the previous one so everyone keeps ordering and eating lots of it. One day, they add toppings that are rotten, bitter, stale or what have you. It starts to get worse as we canโ€™t order what we love but have to eat the bad toppings along with the good crust, sauce and cheese. And the bitter after taste lingers for a long time.

Those who never tasted the new toppings donโ€™t complain but those who did remember the good old pizza and keep hoping that the classic taste wouldnโ€™t change.

Hello to all community members and the AppSheet team!
I want to join this dialogue and insert my feedback.
I am very grateful to the entire development team for what you have already done and will be doing in the future! This is a really huge and hard work.
My main complaint is that the technical support responds with a huge delay (my last ticket was answered 27 days), all the information was provided to familiarize with the problem, but the lack of an answer forced me to go a workaround (outside the AppSheet) in order to get the desired result. In my opinion (maybe Iโ€™m wrong) this is the wrong way to develop AppSheet as a product and loyalty of application developers.
After 27 days (today I finally received an answer), the following came to my ticket:
Thank you for your patience. I am sorry for delayed response. I hope your issue has been resolved I am not seeing any recommendations on performance profile of your app or error in logs related to your app. I will go ahead and close this ticket for now. I will go ahead and close this ticket for now. If you have more queries related to the issue you can reopen the issue by responding on the thread.

Let us know in case of any queries.

Have a good time !! "

What are my next steps?):
a. I have to persistently reproduce the problem over and over again, going back to the state of development of the application a month ago.
b. Iโ€™ll just keep doing processes outside the AppSheet.

In this case, I choose the second one, since too many โ€œcrutchesโ€ have already been done to get around the problem that arose a month ago.

I use applications created in AppSheet both for my processes and for building the processes of my clients. Today in the client application there was a bug (once again) with the formation of PDF attachments, but I ignored the request to support due to demotivation based on the last ticket.

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