Bottom Button Disabled (Accidentally) How to re-enable?

I don’t know I kept developing my app.

Suddenly, I don’t know when/what did, only on desktop, unable to click one of the bottom button.

Please help

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You can’t actually “disable” the Main views. You can hide them. But that is obviously not your issue…if I understand correctly.

You are viewing the app in browser mode it appears. There are some UI changes that a simple Sync will not apply to the app. Instead, you need to refresh the browser page itself.

Try tapping the Browser’s Refresh button to see if all is good again.

@WillowMobileSystems Thank you, I tried refresh. I tried to move the mouse through several buttons then I found that the mouse turns from hand to Arrow just on the specific button that unable to click. I’m using chrome. I closed the browsers/Changed to Edge, same problem.

For that button, can you show us (with some images) how you have defined the View in the AppSheet app.? Maybe that will shed some light on the issue.

I change browsers didn’t help, I had to restart the machine and it is fixed. however, here is the configuration

It was this green button that was act just like a simple label for a while ago.

I’m glad it is fixed now. Actually, you should never need to restart the machine. Most likely app configuration wasn’t getting fully updated. Either you needed to clear the browsing cache or when you thought you were refreshing the browser page, it wasn’t physically getting updated.

When I run into this problem, I use Shift+Ctrl+R (I believe Ctrl+F5 is the same thing) to reload the page with a cache refresh. This avoids clearing the cache for unrelated pages.

Thank you Steve, this is very informative

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