Clickable links within an inline table on a form


I have a form that contains an inline table. Within that table exists several links that open a browser outside of the app to salesforce. The point of these links is to help a user collect information for the form itself.

I understand that normal clickable links on a form don't work correctly, and that I should "Create a show column with the type of URL, and the URL should be within the content field of the show column", as mentioned here (

However, when I created a show column, that column is not displayed inside the inline form at all. 

Here is a screenshot of the virtual column, with a type of SHOW 


Here is a screenshot of the view column order, displaying that field in the 3rd position, but when you look at the table, the show column is not displayed



For context, here is that SAME inline table NOT within a form (its in a normal detail view), and the show column is still not displaying


Here is what I see when I click the "view button"


Here is what I see when I click the ADD button (and the link is clickable)


In conclusion, I am seeing that a clickable link is possible in a form utilizing a show column with a type of URL. However, show columns are not displaying within inline tables. Am  I missing something? Is this on purpose, or is it a bug?





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This is by design. To have a link available in an inline table view, you will need to follow a couple steps.

1. create a virtual column in your table of type text. You may want to apply the following condition to the show if: NOT(CONTEXT("ViewType") = "Form"
2. create a new action that opens an external link. Supply your URL in the space provided and mark the display prominence to ' Display inline' and select your new virtual column as the column to attach the action to.


3. You will need to add this new virtual column to any table view you want to have the link.

This is already complete.

You can see I'm already doing this if you review the screenshot of the inline table outside of the form (the third image down). That button opens the links correctly. However, when viewing this table on a form, it instead strips out that action, and shows a flat text, non-clickable version of this link


What you are describing is the functionality I'm attempting to re-create on the form, but doesn't work.


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