Co Author not Appearing as Owner

When this company director shares an App with Another Director as a co-author with admin rights, the app is appearing in Director two’s My Apps on their account and they can use the shared app to create new estimates (in this case) and save them as PDFs in their Google Drive shared folder.
The issue is that when they view a file that they just created in the shared Google drive where the PDFs are stored they are not shown as the owner but rather Director one is still listed as the owner.
Ideally whoever created the estimate should be listed as owner so that the know at a glance which estimates are theirs.
Is there a way to solve this?

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Not inherently.


View solution in original post


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Files created by the app will always be owned by the app owner.

Thank you for your reply.
As both directors are partners in the business - is there any way to identify who created each PDF by viewing them in the Google Drive.
For example could the App be edited so that the name of the estimate could contain the creator’s name.
Thank You

Not inherently.


Thanks Steve
That will solve the problem
Thank you

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