Connecting few data sources

New user of Appsheet.
I was wondering can connect Appsheet to SuiteCRM/SugarCRM?
I tried to check with Apigee I did not succeed.

Secondly, I wanted to connect it to combine the data coming from the CRM, google sheets, and OTRS with one customer id, like merging all the data according to a customer id.
is it possible?
Thank you in advance for any help.

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What does this mean? Apigee is a supported datasource platform. You should be able to connect to it in the FREE mode but a deployed app will require the Enterprise Standard plan at a minimum.

As for SuiteCRM/SugarCRM, I am not familiar with those and I see no mention of them in AppSheet’s Pricing page. I suspect they are not DIRECTLY supported but it may be worth asking AppSheet.

However, any datasource that provides a REST API to their services can be used. You might check with SuiteCRM/SugarCRM and see if they provide any API to their services. Also, you might check with Zapier or Integromat (or any other Integrator servicers) to see if they provide any type of integration with the services you desire.

Yes SuiteCRM/sugarCRM provides REST API
I did not find an easy documented way to connect Appsheet to REST API of SuiteCRM
Do you have a link?

I am not extremely familiar with using webhooks to connect to API’s. Hopefully someone with more experience can help. You may need to post another question asking for that help specifically to get in front of the right people.

To begin, I would at this list of articles to see if any might be of help to you:

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