Continuous Barcode Scanning

How to scan barcodes continuously without just one popup based on the barcode(mentioning product is ok or not) and then again automatically opening the camera for scanning the next item?

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Shikhar_Singh

What about these ?


I have changed my settings to these only. But after opening the form, it does not open the camera for barcode scanning automatically.

Did you check the option from my first screenshot?
==> UX/Options/Forms/Advance forms automatically

Yes, I have done that.

Actually, I wanted to do the following with my app:

  1. Open the app form and start scanning a barcode.
  2. Based on the barcode, an output message is displayed on the pop-up (I was able to do this with the help of configuring confirmation message)
  3. After clicking ok on the pop-up, the response is saved and the same form gets reopened, and the camera with barcode opens with ready to scan the next product barcode.
  4. The same process repeats until the back button (displayed while scanning) is pressed.

I am able to make this except the automatically opening the camera for the scanning part.

Kindly help with this.

Hi @Shikhar_Singh

Iโ€™m afraid I canโ€™t help you more on that.
I did not try to implement your solution on my side, but I think you made everything thatโ€™s necessary.

One thing that comes to my mind: is the scan field the first input of your form ?
It would make sense that it does not immediately open the camera after opening the form if not.

In order to auto-submit the form, I kept the barcode in the last column.

But for the barcode camera to open automatically, should I need to keep this in the first column. If yes, then it becomes a conflict.

Hi @Shikhar_Singh

  • Auto-submiting is triggered by the last field completed
  • Auto-open camera is triggered by the cursor getting into the scan field.

โ€ฆIโ€™m afraid you need to make a choice, unless all the other field are useless.
If so, you may want to use a show_if condition on the other fields in order to display these only when necessary.

For reference:

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