Dashboard - Single View

I have 3 UX. One for expenses, income, and balance. I log in transactions for expenses and income. I just want another View that has Balance, Income, Expenses. Basically, it’ll calculate the current balance based on income totals and expense totals. I created a “balance” view with virtual columns from a transactions table that is used to calculate income and expenses. However, in the dashboard view, I have to slide to a second record to see it. Is there any view I can do for a static calculator? I’m not sure if I worded that correctly.

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  • UX

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Tin_Nguyen1

Almost !

Can you share a screenshot to illustrate ?

The UI is blank when loading. I have to slide in order to see this view. Is there a way to have it go this record immediately?

HI @Tin_Nguyen1

Thank you for providing screenshot.
When you say:

Do you mean:
“middle panel is blank, and I have to click on an item of the righ-side panel in order to get the informations in the middle one ?”
I’m asking because I don’t see how to use “sliding” on a dashboard view.

In the middle panel (top right), you have to click on the left or right arrow to display the current balance. Otherwise, it is blank. I assume that it creates a record and the first one is blank. You have to scroll to the second one to change it.

Is this option ticked?

OMG! That solved the problem! I can’t believe it was that simple.
However, I would like to know if there’s a better way to do this. I’m not really
trying to make an interactive dashboard. However, when I log in new data, I want a
“message board” to update. I guess it’s just a detail view?

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