Date Field functions

New Member

I want to be able to make a column a date field and when this date arrives it should change the field used to indicate status from in stock to expired. My application is to track inventory for medication samples that are provided by drug reps for the practice. 

In much the same way, I would like if when the field status is changed to distributed and the patient ID is occupied that it removes it from the inventory. 

Any recommendations?

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To set as expired, you will want to use a Scheduled Automation  set to run Daily for example.  You would configure it to filter for any rows in your inventory that has the Expiry Date = TODAY().  For those rows the bot would run an action that sets the Status to "Expired".

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@Sheri wrote:

when the field status is changed to distributed and the patient ID is occupied that it removes it from the inventory

What does "remove from inventory" mean?  Delete the row?

Regardless, in this case,  there are a couple of options:

1)   On Form Save, you can attach action(s) that when the criteria is met, the action is executed that "removes" the row from the inventory - whatever that means for you in your app.

2)  Create a Bot that runs when the conditions are met and it too runs an action that "removes" the row from inventory.

There are obviously very general explanations.  Respond with what seems best for you and we can help you sort out additional details if needed.

I hope this helps!

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