Display data in a table of the last three month of 2022 and up

Hello Community, 

I have a table that has data from 2021 - 2022 - 2023-... (up to date) 
am trying to creat a security filter (to serve as a slice) in order to display data starting from
Nov 2022 and up 
date column[A] 

I tired using the time expressions Month with EOMONTH and TODAY but am having a hard time making the expression works. 


Thanks in advance 

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Please try this

[Date]>= "01/11/2022"    if your dates are in dd/mm/yyyy format


[Date]>= "11/01/2022"    if your dates are in mm/dd/yyyy format

View solution in original post

@Hussein_Osseily wrote:

Another Question,  does using security filter to limit the data ( date range) make any differenece in performance? 

By performance , if you mean sync time performance, then using security filter will typically improve the sync performance as the device running the app will receive only those many rows as filtered in the by the security filter. However in case of spreadsheets , the AppSheet server first reads the entire spreadsheet table data and  sends the rows as per security filter to the app device. So security filter advantages are bit limited but nonetheless a well designed , simpler security filter , like the one you have will in general improve the app sync performance. Please take a look at the article below:

Improve the speed of Sync - AppSheet Help




View solution in original post


Could you try this?

[Date]>=EOMONTH(TODAY(), -3) + 1

The above expression will always display data of last three months including current month's to date data.

If  today is any day in  January 2023, it will show data of January 2023 till today's date, December 2022 and November 2022.

If  today is any day in February 2023, it will show data of February 2023 till today's date, January 2023, December 2022  and so on.....


Thanks for your response 
this works, is it possible to tweak it a bit to make it fixed from Nov 2022 and goes up endlessly 
in a mean that the oldest data i want to show in the table is Nov 2022 and hiding anything older than that 

Please try this

[Date]>= "01/11/2022"    if your dates are in dd/mm/yyyy format


[Date]>= "11/01/2022"    if your dates are in mm/dd/yyyy format

thanks it worked, it was a simple expression that i didn't even think of it, was looking more at EOMONTH and TODAY, forgetting that fact that the starting date is fixed. 

Another Question,  does using security filter to limit the data ( date range) make any differenece in performance? 

Thanks again

@Hussein_Osseily wrote:

Another Question,  does using security filter to limit the data ( date range) make any differenece in performance? 

By performance , if you mean sync time performance, then using security filter will typically improve the sync performance as the device running the app will receive only those many rows as filtered in the by the security filter. However in case of spreadsheets , the AppSheet server first reads the entire spreadsheet table data and  sends the rows as per security filter to the app device. So security filter advantages are bit limited but nonetheless a well designed , simpler security filter , like the one you have will in general improve the app sync performance. Please take a look at the article below:

Improve the speed of Sync - AppSheet Help




Thanks for the indeep explanation and the article. 
The security filter using the expression above was to reduce the shown data in the view. around 40,000 rows less currently 
thanks again

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