Duplicate reference in new table


I'm having one table with certain columns, but would like to have another table with the same entries (referencing with one column), but with another segment of columns for different type of data. Quality for example. How would this be done best?

So one table with columns A B C and another with A D E for example.

Thank you in advance.

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Hello @Djigi, if you want to create a new row in another table when a new row is added to a table you can add an action to "add a row to another table" as a behavior after the new row is created via its table form.


OR if you want to start this new table by making "copies" of your current rows, you're gonna need a similar action to the one I mentioned earlier, but it would be more of a "reference action" type, the kind of action which runs an action on a series of rows.

Here's an example of that.


Which is your case?

I think it's the first one. What I would like is this table:


to become:




Hi @Djigi 

If you do not need the entries to be pushed immediately to the 2nd and 3rd tables, you can use table formulas in your spreadsheet. Please see the following example:


I think, I didn't explain properly. I'll edit the post up here. I would only need the 2nd and 3rd table as you referred.

As there are different data points, your action probably should be a navigation one to create and edit a new form, so that you can pre-load some of your data on it, and since its 3 tables, you're gonna have to do this on both the first table and the second one.

It's just two tables, but with one column that is the same and referenced.

Can you populate the 2nd and 3rd tables based only with the data from the 1st table, or will they require user input?

They'll require user input. Else a slice would suffice. But still a slice could be used but than I'd have an immense sheet, which I would like to avoid. Problem is that I think I've done this before, but I just don't know where to start atm, I thought I would figure it out but no...

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