Dynamic Show if based on emum list selection

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

I'm trying to dynamically show text column from a enum list selection. The list is "Section A" "Section B" and "Section C"
If the user chooses "A" I would like this Tip (text) column to show related to that section. Same function to occur for the other sections.

I've tried show-if in a number of ways, none of which are working dynamically. They do show when the form is saved, but it doesn't show when the form is still live.
I'm trying to avoid a yes/no column, but if I have to I can.

What do you suggest?
Thanks for your help!

IN([Section], LIST(Section A))
[Section] = "Section A"

0 6 158

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Hey Steve, I've tried that one a few times and it always sends back an error: 

Parameter 2 of function IN is of the wrong type



Which column is of type EnumList?

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

The column is named Section.

Also, I generated a second table to test out a different design. This time I created a column for each section A,B and C. all are YES\NO.  This method has worked in other designs but for some reason it's not in this app. Here are some pics of the form and the show if 


Please post a screenshot of the configuration screen of the Section column, down to and including the Type Details section.

Please also post a screenshot of the entire Expression Assistant view showing the IN() expression I suggested and the error message.

I ran a regen and it's now functioning for the enumlist function. As always Steve THANKS!!

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