Error Misunderstood

Hello everyone! I do not understand what a mistake is.

It does not exist in the spreadsheet but I could not delete it

An error occurs while doing ORDER ITEM table regeneration

Can you help me?

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

The short answer: generally speaking, Excel spreadsheets are prone to problems when used with AppSheet. You’re much better off using Google Sheets.

The long answer: Excel spreadsheets do not handle simultaneous users well. Two (or more) users cannot be updating the spreadsheet at the same time. If one person is editing the spreadsheet and a second person tries to also edit it, an error occurs. AppSheet is considered a person. So for instance, if you have the spreadsheet open on you computer, and you try to make a change using an app that uses that same spreadsheet, an error will occur. The app editor is also considered a user, and suffers the same problem.

Thanks Steve, what we can do? What is solution?

Or just don’t edit Excel spreadsheets that the app uses.

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