Error Unable to fetch app definition

My apps cant load. error message :
Unable to fetch app definition.
App Blocked
app did not load successfully.

0 3 536

You are encountering either a due payment issue or total number of app users are more than your purchased number of user licence. You may have missed reminder emails from AppSheet regarding the issue and also your may not have noticed the yellow exclamation mark in your account. Therefore your app is blocked by AppSheet. Please check your My Account page first to resolve the issue and contact

I am encountering this very issue too.
I am still trying out AppSheet to see if it suits our requirements and I’ve never made any payment, only using the ‘AppSheet free’.
I had no idea I’d have to pay for the app I created without using any of the features reserved as “Pro plan” or “Business plan”.
Just suddenly noticed that the app just started displaying the error message:

unable to fetch app definition. Error: app blocked. please contact the app creator.

Could the problem with my app too be a payment issue??
By the way I found the yellow “caution” sign beside “My Account” tab.


Please contact for help with this.

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