Fields unique to each user

Hello everyone,

This is my first AppSheet app. I was not able to find any answers for my question so hence why I'm here. 

I would like the users of my app to be able to customise certain fields (can create new ones for this purpose) so that these custom text fields only show to them when they sign in, and no other users. How do I do this?

Also, is it possible to feed back in data submitted by the user into the app back to the user as graphs? If so, how do I do this? For instance they input in the app everytime they journal, then they can see a chart over time showing when they journalled.


With humble gratitude,


0 7 192

Only app editors can add/remove/edit columns. What exactly do you mean by "customise certain fields"?

Charts: The Essentials - AppSheet Help

I see. I would like each user to be able to customise some fields that are unique to them, such as their mission and vision statements, for example.

I think what you're asking is maybe really simple, you're just using very poor language to describe it. Have you set up a users table? Just put [mission] and [vision] columns in the user table, each user can fill out their own. Or even use the inbuilt usersettings.

In case it's helpful:

  • Create as many placeholder columns as you need.
  • Using a table of user preferences, provide a way to track for each individual user which placeholder columns are enabled and even their custom name for each column.
  • Reference the current user's preferences in the placeholder columns' properties, such as Show? and Display name.

Hi dbaum, thank you for your follow up. I'm not sure if this will resolve my request, since I would have to customise the columns for each user. 


I would like each user to be able to customise some fields that are unique to them, such as their mission and vision statements, for example. Is this at all possible within this platform?

You can do that by doing the solution @dbaum provided. 

Let's say each row of the table that contains your data have a column [UserLinked] with the email of the guy that can edit the row. The only thing you will have to do at the end will be : 

A. If you only want Users to see rows that contains their data : 

1. Create and configure an "Users" table where you define a column [Email] (useremail())

2. Configure a slice for the table your users will interact with, with a condition like (showif)[UserLinked] = any(select(Users[Email],[Email] = useremail() ))

3. Create a view using that slice, and show that view to the users. They will only see the rows that contain their Email in [UserLinked] column.

B. If you want to let User edit some fields ONLY if it's their data but everyone will see the data

1. Repeat 1

2. Add a formula to the Edit parameter of the concerned fields :[UserLinked] = any(select(Users[Email],[Email] = useremail() ))

You can use both at the same time, or add more conditions than just [UserLinked].

It's one way to do it, the easiest imo. 



Question. Any chance to this with a checkbox column as well?


i have one column that is a ENUMLIST with following options 

1) done

2) to do 

3) doing now

i would like , for each user to select for each row which one of the three options and he can only see that selection, as every user sees his own . 

is this achievable?



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