Filtering Fitness Testing Results to show in a graph for each athlete

We're looking to add Fitness Testing results to our app. The app is currently an athlete database where injuries can be logged and tracked. 

We'd like to be able to select an athlete then view their fitness testing results. The same views as in the Google Workout Log app example.  We'd love the fitness testing results in graphs as in the example app. 

Our fitness testing results are in a table, results for each athlete are on different rows and each athlete has multiple rows as they do multiple test events across the years. 

I feel this might need a SELECT or FILTER or LOOKUP function but to be honest, I'm getting confused and not sure which to use and how. 

Many many thanks for help! 

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If you have the chart view already for your table with all athletes, you can create an action like LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("ChartView",[Athlete]=[_THISROW].[Athlete]).


Hi, Thank you for this. I have attached some screenshots of where I've got to. (the people in the app and data is made up and not real). 

We have managed to get graphs showing the results of different tests for each athlete based on which athlete we chose from previous screen. Achieved by making a slice for each test, creating a new view for the test then adding a new column in the 'People' (main athlete) table.  

We then added this new column to the 'system generated view' for People which is the table we have for the athletes. 


We would like to swap from 'system generated view' to a Custom Dashboard view when selecting an athlete because the layout looks better with spacing between graphs and also larger font for the name of the graph. 

We have tried to create a Dashboard but cannot seem to link it to the Athlete list. I hope this makes sense.

We are so grateful for your support. 









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