Filtering Slices with EnumList Values

Hi, In my app Iโ€™m having a field called โ€œSupportersโ€ and the type of the field is EnumList. Task creator can select multiple choices from that drop down menu. And I have a separate slice where I want to show entries to users where they have been selected as supporters from that drop down menu. I just want to know how to filter the slice from the field โ€œSupportersโ€.

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @chamath

Letโ€™s assume you have a table Tasks, with columns:

  • key ==> key column of this table
  • task name (for description)
  • Supporters, type EnumList, base type Ref, source table : Users

Letโ€™s assume you have another table Users, with columns

  • email ==> key column of this table
  • user name (for description)

Then, your row filter condition for the slice will be:
IN(USEREMAIL(), [Supporters])

Hi @Aurelien

I tried it. But still when a supporter goes into that view, they cant see tasks which have been assigned to them as supporters

Hi @chamath

Can you share the expression you used ?
Please indent it and enclose it using this:

Also, can you share screenshots of your table structure.

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