Format multiple columns in one rule

Is there an easy way to format all columns if they contain specific text?
I have tried in a way I think should work but it instead formats all columns if one column contains this text.

Example of my formula,

IF(OR([External E Stops] = Requires Immediate Attention,
[Tyres / Rims / Wheel Nuts] = Requires Immediate Attention,
[Pins & Bushes] = Requires Immediate Attention,
[Cylinder & Hoses] = Requires Immediate Attention

The reason this does’nt work is due to the fact it then formats all columns together as one. Can this be modified?

Otherwise I will have to make over 100 format rules haha

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I’m afraid you need to add them one by one.

View solution in original post


I’m afraid you need to add them one by one.

Ok, thank you

Just checking: Is this still the case?
In my app, I’ll need to add several hundred. The columns are all Enum using the same options across the table.

It is.

just checking two years after... is this still the case?

No change.

Still can't believe this isn't a feature yet. But I'm in a similar situation and thought I'd pass along a tip that made my life slightly easier - if your formula rules are related, use a table to autogenerate the rule title, formula, custom text color (for me), etc. for each rule. Copy previous rule, copy/paste the new fields, rinse and repeat

I think it is working already, am I correct? 
You just have to use OR() (without IF() ) in formula and choose columns which should be formatted based on the rule. 



I wish, but no. It only takes one true condition for the OR() to evaluate to true, which means the formatting applies to all selected columns.

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