Formula stopped working?

Ok, so this is so weird. I have a SUM() formula which all of a sudden stopped working. Well to be precise, the result is correct in the app view itself but when I create a pdf from a template it is a different value. Not only that, if I go into one of the formula's from the column which is reading correctly in the app view, it shows the incorrect answer when I "test" the formula

Sorry if this makes no sense, but it is very frustrating.

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What's the expression and which column property is it in?

What's the expression in the template? Did it previously work there?

Check security filters--are they excluding data in one situation but not another?

Hi, thanks for the reply.

Yes it did work there. I have another virtual column which references the same grandchild table but a different column and that works also. The formulas are exactly the same with the column name changed

SUM([Related Pedestal Parts][Fitting Hours]) - does not work, reads 0

SUM([Related Pedestal Parts][Electrical Hours]) - does work, reads correct value

In the Pedestal Parts table, the fitting hours reads the correct amount. I am so confused


If something that was previously working is now not working and you didn't make any change, you should report to AppSheet Support.

I'm guessing I did change something though. Just trying to find out what..


Any suggestions? Is there any way someone can take a look

I suggest post screenshots of the column lists from the following tables:

  • Table that includes the [Related Pedestal Parts] column
  • Pedestal Parts table
  • Whatever grandchild table(s) your previous message is referencing

Also, confirm in which property you're entering the expressions you shared in your previous message (e.g., is it the App formula property of a virtual column in the table that includes the [Related Pedestal Parts] column?).

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Are you using security filters on any of the involved tables?

Are you using slices on any of the involved tables?

The behavior you describe is often caused by security filters and/or slices that produce data sets that differ between the app and on the server. PDFs and the Test feature in Expression Assistant use the server.

If you're using a scheduled bot to generate the PDF, keep in mind that the bot runs as the app owner, so any security filters and/or slices that care about the current app user (i.e., that use USEREMAIL() or USERROLE()) will see the app owner.

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