Formula to Filter Unique Values in Slice

Hello! Would someone be willing to help me with a formula for a Slice I am struggling to figure out?
I have a table that I want to filter only unique lines. There is one column that determines if the row should be included at all based on status condition. Then there are two columns that need to be compared to determine if it is unique. One is a text and the other is a eNumList. I found a formula in another support article, but it shows me the unique rows that have duplicates, so rows that are unique but don't have a duplicate are not showing. 

Here is the current code I copied and am using. 

  = ANY(
          ([Name] = [_THISROW].[Name]),
          ([Tasks] = [_THISROW].[Tasks]),
          IN([Status], LIST("Complete", "Verified"))

 Any help would be much appreciated! 

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Platinum 4

Are you using AppSheet Database as the data source for this table?

The data is a Google Sheets.

Update: I found my table had some data errors in the tasks that was making it so items I expected weren't showing up. After fixing that, the formula is doing exactly what I need it to. Also thanks @Steve for originally writting it! 

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