Help adding to requirements to maps

New Member

Hello helpers!

I am using part of my app to show locations on a map that are part of my route.
I am working with the Geofencing app that was created by appsheets workers. But, I have two questions. They may or may not be related.

I have the app set to show me stores that are >50km away. I would like to add a requirement to that list. I would like it to show stores that are less than 50km away AND where field [no l/o] is blank. Where and how would I add that additional requirement. Currently the 50km is listed as a requirement in a slice, posted here.

Also, For some reason I canโ€™t figure out how they changed the map icon colors. If someone knows, Iโ€™d sure appreciate it. I would like to change them depending on what kind of store they are. [store type]

Thanks again for all you guys do for us newbies!

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New Member

Damn! You got it for me again!!!
SO, what kind of class should I plan on taking this year? My employer pays for all but $4.00 of my school fees. What will help me understand this stuff better?|
Thanks again!

Nice. Looks like my first lesson is checking for documentation LMAO
Dudeโ€ฆ If they get this GPS issue Iโ€™ve been dealing with, I will be so happy. Everything is working and is DONE except for that. Iโ€™m hoping they are going to have it fixed soon. 1/2 of my app depends on it.
Looks great on the web though, and itโ€™s working awesome on the computer!
This program is exactly what I needed.

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