Help, can we have Interactive mode AND event actions?


This is an attempt to dynamically show/hide views based on column values, without running into the "is not evaluated in a context of a row" error. It works, but not for Details view in a Dashboard. This is because when you enable Interactive Mode, your event actions are ignored. 

I'd like to have Interactive Mode, and also event actions that do not involve view navigation. 

This is a short video to demonstrate the test and the outcome. 

Masking views in an AppSheet Dashboard - YouTube 

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@Joseph_Seddik that's a neat solution and I think it is a useful trick to carry information from one part of an app to another. Of course if yo had other views with similar actions it would just require additional entries in the table, so that's pretty smart too.

As for the events and interactive mode, this may be a challenge. I don't know exactly what the development team has built on the back end for interactive mode, but it wouldn't surprise me if it is simply intercepting and reprocessing all clicks in the dashboard. If that's the case, then the view is not going to 'see' the click and therefore no event is going to be triggered.

Thanks @graham_howe! Indeed, I use this idea systematically to:

  • Pass data across tables within the same app, as an alternative to SELECT. When I know that I will need to look for this particular value afterwards, I just add a Form Saved action and capture it in my options tables. I have two: opFlags and opVars.

  • And yes, to pass data between different apps for the same client. I usually offer the client two apps, one for Control with limited audience, and one for Operations with a wider audience. My Form Saved actions pass the data around through opFlags and opVars tables. 

As for the interactive mode, I'd be inclined to think it would be a simple change. My guess that it is just an ON/OFF flag rather than being an intercept, when OFF it just skips the actions. Possible improvement would be to skip actions with Deep Links expressions. But it is a guess.


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