How can I get a selection from a table view to generate a set of entries in deck view with the same date

New Member

Hello everyone,

I need to view data in a table format, with the date serving as the key field. Users submit entries containing a date and several other pieces of information. Multiple entries may be submitted with the same date. How would I get this table to show the COUNT of entries made for that date in a column next to the date?

Then when a date is selected, I need to see each related entry in a deck view. How would I accomplish this?

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With this option, [Date] column cannot be a Key provided you are not explicitly referring to something else with the word โ€œkeyโ€

You understood me correctly. Every date has a single row on my table. However I need two separate people to make an entry to that same row. For example an AM manager will begin the day by inputting certain pieces of info (AM sales, AM labor, etc) that occurred on his/her shift. A PM manager will then do the same for the same respective PM fields.

so Iโ€™m stumped on how to allow the PM manager to enter information for only the PM fields in that row.

Provided you have a Datetime column instead of Date, you can then easily show/hide row information as per AND(HOUR([DateTme])>=0,HOUR([DateTime])<=12) for AM Mng and AND(HOUR([DateTme])>12,HOUR([DateTime])<=23) for PM Mng.

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