How can I sort a dropdown in alpha order when I need the Valid_If to validate input

Modelled off your timesheet example I have a ref column called Worker that looks up the Worker in the Workers table so my dropdown will display the list of workers to choose from.

To prevent a worker clocking in twice I have created a virtual column that counts how many more times a worker is clocked in than clocked out.

The Valid_If is set to [CountInOut]=0 and the Invalid Value Error message set to โ€œYou need to clock out firstโ€. That way if a worker is selected from the clock in drop down before they have clocked out from a previous shift, the system will alert them.

How do I get the dropdown to retain this validity check AND display the Workers in alpha order?

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Try generating a sorted list using the Suggested values property for the column.

View solution in original post


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Try generating a sorted list using the Suggested values property for the column.

Thanks Steve. That did the trick perfectly.

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