How do you show in Table A what items in Table B are referencing it?

I'm brand new to AppSheets, so apologies if I'm asking a wild Q. Still getting my footing!

Okay: Let's say I have Table A and Table B.  Table A is a list of Features, Table B is a list of Feature Requirements

  • Table A has 2 fields "Feature Name" and "Feature Description"
  • Table B has 2 fields "Feature Requirement" and "REFERENCE TO TABLE A ROW"

Is there a way in Table A to have a field that says "This is all the rows in Table B that reference me"? Or would you do that more on the app side?

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You can use Ref column type in your table B. It means one row in table A can contains multiple records in table B.

When you add the Ref column  it generates a virtual list column in your record in table A. That list answers to your question.

Hi Aleksi- That's what I gleaned from the documentation. But how do I see that virtual list column? I can't seem to access it anywhere

You can find it from the detail view of table A.

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