How many times a record that is inside an EnumList is in the table?

Dear community, I want to see if anyone knows how to count the number of times a record has been repeated in a table, but that record is in an Enumlist.
Let us suppose the following school situation:
The three are students who attend the school:

1. Monday: (John, Peter, Michael) - Enumlist register
2. Tuesday:(John, Michael)- Enumlist register
3. Wednesday:(John, Peter)- Enumlist register

How do I calculate how many times it is in the table, for example, Juan. In this case, Juan is three times, Pedro 2 and Miguel 2.

With this I could know how many days in the week each one attended.
I appreciate if you know anything about it, greetings thank you very much in advance.




Solved Solved
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In a table listing the persons, you can add a column with this formula:

COUNT( FILTER(daysTable, IN([_ThisRow].[Name], [enumListRegister])) )

View solution in original post


In a table listing the persons, you can add a column with this formula:

COUNT( FILTER(daysTable, IN([_ThisRow].[Name], [enumListRegister])) )

Magistral amigo, nuevamente dando en la tecla. Tal cual lo expones funciona perfectamente, una calculadora de asistencia. Muchas gracias por tu aporte Joseph!

This can be achieved with a combination of COUNT() and CONTAINS() 

PS: You may have to do something along the lines of COUNT(Select.....

Ryan! muchas gracias por responder! he tomado la soluciรณn de Joseph. Intentรฉ probar con las funciones que me dices, pero no he podido resolverlo. Igualmente considera la soluciรณn de arriba que anda perfecto. Es una calculadora de asistencias. Saludos. Gracias nuevamente por la respuesta

CONTAINS() is not a good idea here.

That's right Steve, that's what I've been testing. Contains can lead to an error. I used @Joseph_Seddik's solution

A big hello to you

COUNT(select(Table[Name], [Name]=[_ThisRow].[Name]))

This worked for me

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