How to update the payment status from another form

Hi , 


I have two tables , Table 01 - Daily Expences  | Table 02 - Vendor Payments 

now when i am adding entries in Table 01(Daily Expences ) We purchased some products from one of the Vendor (ex: SLV Enterprise) . We get the product from them and we do not pay then in the coloumn we udate that NotPaid . 

After a day or 2 we suppose to pay to the vendor And we paid manually (like phone pay or banktransfer or Cash), Then we go the Vendor Payments and update the entry by choosing the vendor and will make entry that total amount paid . 

Question , when i update the status of payment in Vendor payments it should update in Table01 entry as well . 

How can we do this , please help.

Thanks in Advance .  

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Assuming there is a column in Table 02 referencing Table 01, you can create a bot that fires on an Update event on Table 02with a condition using [_THISROW_BEFORE] and [_THISROW_AFTER] and updates the referenced row in Table 01 using Run Action on Rows.



Step (You also need an action on Table 01 to update the row which is called by Referenced Action)


See the documentation on Automation or numerous articles in this site or on the Internet for more details as needed.



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