I need that the user do not recieve updates

Hi team.
I have updated my account to Core. I have 2 users now.

I have tried the App update methode that is sowed into this insturctive.

App Upgrades | AppSheet Help Center.

It works fine to make high modification into the App.
However it is a procedure some hard to make little changes into the app. Almost for me

Is there a way to โ€œsuspendโ€ the user update app, until the little modifications be finished ?

I tried with go the App to prototype again

but the users continue receiving updates.

I do not know if I have been clear with this question

Thanks a lot !


0 3 111

Iโ€™m so sorry
I have found that is only possible with enterprise licensing

But I think that it is nos possible with only two users

Sorry again

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

The method I use is to create a copy of the app: one copy is the production one, the other is the development one. Users are given access to the production copy but not the development copy. Develop your app using the development copy. When youโ€™ve got the development copy working well, you can upgrade the production copy from the development copy:

Thank you Steve,
But the โ€œproblemโ€ is that both must got the same name (to no change the name after upgrade). And before to make the upgrade both must be in Depoyed state.

Then, my dashboard shows this (for now I have only one app).It is a bit confused for me


After upgrade I return to prototype to split both app

As I tell before, I think that is a some complex procedure for little changes. But it is only one opinion

Thanks a lot again !!!

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