INPUT action - not saving in mobile


I have an action to set date in column (input("Date",TEXT(""))

It works in desktop mode - choosing date from the calendar and save.
But in mobile mode, I cannot save ? It was working before...

Does anyone else experience this issue?

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I think it will be good if you contact support for this issue. Someone could quickly take a look at the app and suggest.

It will he a bit challenging to suggest based on just discussion as it seems to be some specific setting problem.


View solution in original post


I was able to set the date with INPUT() function both in the desktop mode and mobile mode. I hope you mean mobile device by mobile mode. I could set the date in the AppSheet app in an android device in a date type column named [Date]

Just as a side note, the expression given by you has an extra parenthesis before the word input

@David_H1 wrote:




Hello Suvrutt,


Thank you for your reply. The thing is, I have a backup of this app and there it works. I checked the action properties on both sides and they are the same.

In mobile mode if I click on SAVE, it does not close the calendar. All I can do is discard changes.

Same action works in desktop mode. It saves it and closes the calendar afterwards.

In backup app it works fine - both mobile mode and desktop mode. 

What would prevent closing the calendar when clicking save?

I think it will be good if you contact support for this issue. Someone could quickly take a look at the app and suggest.

It will he a bit challenging to suggest based on just discussion as it seems to be some specific setting problem.


Thank you Suvrutt, as always. I will contact support.

Hi everybody, hello @David_H1 ,;

how did you solve your issue with "Save" button on mobile ? I have the same issue. It works on desktop but not on mobile !


The have replied to me since INPUT function still in BETA, so it might not working on all mode.

I've been working on this application for 10 days now.
Everything worked fine
Then 2 days ago, when I opened the application on my mobile, the INPUTs no longer worked! 
But it's still working on desktop

Yes me too. I am assuming that they still in the process to fix this.

Any chance that in the mobile device you have either blank but mandatory field or Valid_If in one of your columns where the validation is FALSE? Then the app doesn't allow you to save without any error message.

So why does it work on the desktop? I don't know how to manage this type of context (desktop or mobile).

With the Valid_If, Editable_If or Mandatory options, you can use CONTEXT() expresion to read the user's device type. Then it could change the situation if mobile device is in use. BUT.. if you don't have any of these, then the reason is something else.. like a bug.

No no, i uses only "view" and "viewtype" CONTEXT
Is seems to be a bug

The following is their explanation.

We would like to inform you that there is a common issue with the Input() function if you are using the function in the production application. The app is a large app with multiple references, but it works fine for small apps.

Because the input() is in beta release mode, we would advise you to avoid the input() in production apps due to its unintended behavior.

It will work but you may face some issue in Mobile/Tablet or desktop mode as our development team are still making some changes to improve this feature.

Once it's rolled out for all users then you can use it on any mode. I hope you understand the limitations.

If you need, you can create the same behavior with the form view. Create a form view with just that one column and open it with an action.

Yes, i think that i gonna create a form view.

It will be more stable

Hi Eric, 

I had this issue and support could not solve it. I managed to create a workaround. instead using input, now action button opens up a form.

I still need to try with new Input syntax, which came out of beta.

Hope this helps.


Hi David,

Yes, i created a workaround with a form. It does the job ! 

Hi Eric,

glad to hear it!

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