Is there a way to bulk sign tables?

I am trying to give my users a way to bulk sign my table. I want the user to be able to click on the select all button:

From there i want them to be able to choose an action button (that uses a certain signature to fill the table column [Signature]).

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Which route do you want to useโ€ฆ with a signature table or without?

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Maybe not in the direct sense that youโ€™re describing here, but yes you can do this.

Youโ€™ll first need to have the signature on file - saved inside the app somewhere - then you can say to the system โ€œcopy that signature into all of the selected files.โ€

I have a sample app thatโ€™s surprisingly similar to what youโ€™re wanting, it shows how to copy the signature from a parent record into all the child records.

Thatโ€™s exactly what i tried. Something is either wrong with my Signature table - or the way i and referencing it.

If you compare the sample app to what you tried, what is different?

its hard to tell - you have a lot more going on - in your appโ€ฆ

True - but if you look at the signature specific actions, thatโ€™s where youโ€™ll likely find some difference.

Which table is your table where you captured original signatures? And which is used to get those?

โ€œSignature_Captureโ€ is the name of the table used to capture the signatures.

โ€œSignature_Copyโ€ is the name of the table that I will copy the parent-signatures into.

The key part to look at is the following actions:

  • Set | LOOKUP (Parent Signature) - on the child table
    • This action is the element that actually copies the signature to the selected record
  • Ref Set | Update child signatures - on the parent table
    • This action groups all the related child records together, then executes the action above on them.

The way the sample app works is as follows:

  1. You create a new parent record (on the โ€œSignature_Captureโ€ table);
  2. You add child records to the parent (these populate on the โ€œSignature_Copyโ€ table)
  3. After you add child records to the parent, you can sign it; after you sign it, you can save the record
  4. This in turn triggers the Save event (from the form view) that has a composite action selected to execute, that then copies the signature from the parent into all the related child records.

The way this works is two fold:

  1. You have an action on the child table to do a lookup of the parent, find the signature and copy it into the signature field of the child table (this is the โ€œSet | LOOKUP (Parent Signature)โ€ action from above);
  2. You have a composite action to execute the above action on all the related child records (this is the โ€œRef Set | Update child signaturesโ€ action from above).

ok - i thought so- let me double check my tablesโ€ฆ Thanks

So now my button to select multiple items - went away?

Also - btw. I cannot get your app to do anything - when i click on a button. I have tried several times re opening it. I am not sure whyโ€ฆ

So i am still confused and not getting this to work. I do not understand why this doesnt work:

I made a table - setting up one user signature. So the user made the signature - and it has a key:

Then in my other Table (Payables) i have a link:

Then i created a button to link - โ€œchangeโ€ the data for column - โ€œTabatha Signatureโ€ โ€”>> signature from the Signature Table:


Any thoughts on why this isnโ€™t doing anything? I donโ€™t get any errors. And i can click on this button - but the data does NOT fill the table.

After seeing your table setup, thereโ€™s a better way - use a de-reference to pull the signature from the ref column.

In the app formula for the actual signature field, use the following formula:

[Tabatha Linked Signature].[Signature]

That tells the system: โ€œLook at the [Tabatha Linked Signature] column, we have selected a reference; from that reference we want the Signature valueโ€

Using this setup will cause the signature to immediately populate when the signature reference is selected.

In regards to why setting this up as an action doesnโ€™t workโ€ฆ that is strange, and Iโ€™m not sure why.

Ok. I did that - but now my button says - i cannot modify that column - โ€œTabatha Signatureโ€? Do i just delete the button all together?

check that the column is editable, the switch my be set to off (greyed out)

did that work?

No - It was already editable? I had to delete the action button - as it wont let me change it - i guess because the formula?

Oh, yeah - you can only have one or the other.

But with the de-reference in the app formula - did that work?

Youโ€™ll have to go into the form and actually select the reference in order for the signature to be imported.

Yes. It does work - however - they still cannot BULK sign. What it currently does:

The user chooses from the drop down - her name - [Tabatha Linked Signature] - then that AUTO populates the actual column [Tabatha Signature].

This is WAY easier than having to write out each signature - but i still cannot MASS/BULK sign?

Yeah itโ€™s strange that the action wasnโ€™t writing the value to the field.

Now that the de-reference works, what if you try and switch things around?

  • Remove the app formula, save the editor
  • Create the action again to set the de-reference value

Maybe itโ€™ll work this time??? ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

Doesnโ€™t workโ€ฆ

Hmmmโ€ฆ itโ€™s either some small setting somewhere, or something bigger. You could email and see if someone there could take a look.

ok. Thanks for the help.

One option is to add a signature into one child record and then copy it to all records that has the same parent. This sample app shows how you can do that. App name is โ€œCopy Signatureโ€ and you can find it from

Thank you. I tried this - i must have something wrong. It still is not workingโ€ฆ

Which route do you want to useโ€ฆ with a signature table or without?

With a signature table

So Aleksi has resolved my problem. I had two tables: one Parent and the other the records table. I was referencing the Parent table and then had 2 action buttons. This was not working out well for me.

Aleksi built a VERY short an easy app for me! In it - same two tables. However - no reference between them. Instead the Parent table has two columns - [Email] and [Signature] (this must be done prior to using the app).

In the Second table - i have a column that is where these signatures (completed before using the app) will set.

Then - he built the ONE action button:

The expression is where the magic happens:

Thanks Aleksi! Saved me again!

Youโ€™re welcome

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