Issue with filtering data for email summary report

I'm trying to set my Bot up to send a daily and/or weekly summary report of all the vehicles in my fleet with an upcoming service. I've been on the forum trying to work through it and have solved a few issues but I can't seem to get all the way there. I am able to filter data and generate an email on a "ForEachRowInTable" basis but can't get the summary to work. 

The error is with the Columns in the email template. The Start Expression seems to be working

I'm pulling from a Service Schedule table.

Untitled.pngUntitled 2.pngUntitled 3.png

Thank for the help!

0 10 229

Sorry, <<end>> is out of the screen shot.

Ok, so what else are you leaving out?

Here's the whole template.

Untitled 4.png

Just as I thought...



Ah, so no text can be in between the <<start>> and <<end>> expressions. Thanks! I'm still not getting any data filtered though. I get the attached email which does not include the rows that should be filtered from the database (attached).


Untitled 5.png

Untitled 6.png

Figured it out. Had to adjust the Start Expression formula from:

FILTER(Service Schedule,AND([Service Date]<Today()+30,[Service Is Scheduled]=no,[Service Is Completed]=no))


FILTER(Service Schedule,AND([Service Date]<Today()+30,[Service Is Scheduled]<>yes,[Service Is Completed]<>yes))

Not sure why it didn't recognized the "no" in the filter but it's working now. 

You may want to try the START expression with a syntax of 

FILTER(Service Schedule,AND([Service Date]<Today()+30,NOT([Service Is Scheduled]),NOT([Service Is Completed])))

A Yes/No column stores status in Boolean form TRUE/FALSE , so it can be simply checked by [Service Is Scheduled] for TRUE and NOT([Service Is Scheduled]) for FALSE.


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Also, it's a good idea to quote the table name: FILTER("Service Schedule", ...)

Awesome! Thanks guys!

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