Item not being saved to the Google sheet

Hi, I have an app where users go through three questions. When they select the final answer a score appears below . The scores are stored in a column next to the final answer, in a table called โ€œAuditโ€, the results (ie the three selections they make) and the score should be stored in a โ€œResultsโ€ table ( a form). The when I press save, the answers get stored but the Score does not. In the results table the Score is a number, and I am using the Valid If Audit[Score] to fetch the score. The score appears but unless the user selects it before saving it does not get saved. Is there a way in which the score is saved automatically? Ideally I do not want the user to see it at this stage.

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A form can only populate columns of a single row at a time within a single table. In order to use the column values of a newly-saved form to set the column value(s) in a different row of a different table, youโ€™ll need to use an action, and attach the action to the form so that the action is performed when the form is saved.

See also:

Thanks, however the value is in the same row. I think that I may be doing something else wrong. Iโ€™ve added two screen shots of the tables below. Iโ€™ve created a form for the results, and the idea is that users end up entering an item from the column โ€œOptionsโ€ and I want to record the corresponding score in the results table, along with the selections that they have made. The rest works, itโ€™s just the score. Ideally I would like to hide the score from the form and just record the score in the google sheet.

Use expression: CONTEXT("ViewType")<>"Form"

Thanks, but the issue is that the value in โ€œScoreโ€ is not being saved unless it is selected before saving. Ideally I would like the value saved automatically without the user needing to select it.

From your snapshot of the two google sheet tables, for example, the first row of second table: what will be the score if compare to first table? If the score are to be filled automatically.

Thanks Heru for your help.

Iโ€™ve added another entry to the results to answer your question, see images below. If the user selected โ€œPlace and Time in the Gardenโ€, then โ€œPlants suit geographyโ€, then โ€œFully suitable geographicallyโ€ the score would be โ€œ0โ€. Iโ€™d like to save the score without the user having to click on it and select prior to pressing save, and ideally hide the score.

I can only offer you below suggestion, with conditions as:

  1. I assume that both table is connected to AppSheet

  2. I assume that โ€œOptionsโ€ column of table 1 is unique

With that, I think you might be able to get the Score table to filled-in by using a LOOKUP expression on the initial value/app formula:

LOOKUP([_THISROW].[Answer], "Table1Name", "Options","Score")

Perfect, that worked! Thanks Heru, your help is much appreciated.

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