LINKTOFORM with parent and 3 tables

I'm trying to pre-populate a form with LINKTOFORM() that is made when clicking on an inline list.

I have 3 tables

  • Trip Details -Parents have a filtered list of trips their children are going on, they click on the trip and get to a detail view
  • People - they see an inline filtered list of their children on the detail view, they click their child to run the action LINKTOFORM()
  • Parent Permission - this is where I will store the parents responses to several questions which are populated in the Trip Details view

I need to send some values from the 'Trip Details' to the LINKTOFORM() but when I do I get a list of all values in that column, not the row of the parent I started off in.

If I could access the Row ID for the 'Trip Details' from where you click on the inline 'People' table I could select it.

[_THISROW] does not allow me to access this.

I posted the LINKTOFORM() code below.

Child Name pass properly, as it's from the 'People' table, but all of the Trip Details[_some column] pass a list of many rows of data in that column.

LINKTOFORM("Parent Permission_Form",
"Parent Name" ,  INDEX(Current_User[Row ID],1),
"Trip Name" ,  Trip Details[Trip Name],
"Child Name" , [Row ID],
"Medical Question" , Trip Details[Parent Question 10 - True/False],
"DPDA Question" , Trip Details[DPDA Question],
"Leave School Time" , Trip Details[Campus Depart Time],
"Meet on Site Time" , Trip Details[Campus Return Time],
"Meet on Site Place" , Trip Details[On Site Meet Point],
"Pickup School Time" , Trip Details[Campus Return Time],
"Pickup on Site Place" , Trip Details[On Site Departure Point],
"Pickup on Site Time" , Trip Details[On Site Departure Time],
"Main Confirmation Question" , Trip Details[Parent Question 1 - True/False]


Thanks in advance


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