Link to gallery of this row

One row holds many images. From a deck view I need an action to take me to a gallery for that row. I’ve created a Gallery View and an action with LINKTOFORM(“Gallery”,“JobID”,[JobID]), it doesn’t do what I want it to do. The deck view works fine and shows the first image, when the use selects that record or row he should be returned a view of the gallery for that record/row. What am I doing wrong and how should I fix it. I am very new to Appsheet so descriptive help would be great. Thanks all.

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  • UX

Unfortunately a Gallery view won’t work this way. Inline views, which include deck, gallery, table, etc. are for displaying multiple records of data.

The only way to show images from the same row all at once is in the Details view.

You could try:

LINKTOROW([JobID], “Jobs_Detail_View”)

It might be a good idea to create a custom view for this, if there’s other elements on the Jobs table that you don’t want seen in this special view this will allow you to customize this view.

Such a pity, I was hoping to use this as a desktop app and show the full gallery to the user on selection of a [JobID] from a deck view.


Perhaps a change in data structure; I’ve talked to many clients that have tables built like you have - horizontally.

Horizontal tables, where you’ve got columns for each element, are good for spreadsheets, but if you’ve got to have functionality where the users need the ability to add several of something (my threshold is 3) then I switch to creating a related table to hold this data.

A few benefits off the top of my head:

  1. you don’t have to deal with X number of columns (the show if, the formulas, display names, etc.) for each element being recorded
  2. users have infinite expand-ability (instead of us (the developers) restricting the number of elements that can be saved (by setting the number of columns), this approach gives the users the ability to upload any number they want)
  3. You can use an inline view to view things in a better way (just like you want to!!)
  4. You can add detailed information to the images (such as a name, summary/description, author, date, location, etc.)

The related table would be very simple: a reference to the Jobs table, a space to upload an image, and from there you can add any other properties you might want people to record with the image.

I said that I have a threshold of 3 earlier: when I’m discussing an app build with a client, and they tell me that they need users to upload any number of things (images, files, notes, etc.) I’ll split these out into their own table and create an inline view to view them.

Hope it helps!!! I know this could seem like a lot of extra work, but in the end it’s totally worth it! (^_^)

It makes perfect sense to be fair. Having worked on other databases (platforms) that is what I would probably do, separate tables (Customer, Product, Catalog) etc. Obviously new to Appsheet its a steep learning curve. A sample APP based on your recommendation would be superb, are there any chances of onebeing built as I’m sure many would benefit from it.


The order capture app shows the standard Parent-Child relationship setup:

I’m not overly familiar with all of the sample apps that AppSheet has to offer, so trying to find one that’s built around what I was saying earlier is difficult.

Perhaps, if you’re not opposed, I could create a copy of your app and make a video showing how I would update it. It sounds like you’ve got the perfect starting point for this video.

Again, thanks.
A video showing the possibilities would be awesome, please let me know when you’ve recorded it I will be riveted… Kind Regards

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