Making a *very* simple app for a large conference

Hi everyone,

I searched the forum to see if my goal was possible, but I couldn’t find a totally applicable post.

I am going to be attending a conference with a few hundred people in March and was hoping to make a very small, simple app where attendees could add their name, agency title, and email address to a form.

Here are my questions:

What are the potential pitfalls to this?

If I do not require sign-in, can this remain one of my “free undeployed apps?”

Will a few hundred simultaneous people accessing and entering info cause issues?

Thanks for taking a look. I’m sure these are basic and thoroughly answered questions elsewhere on the forum, but I didn’t find a good match to my post.

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No. a “Public” plan is what you’re wanting. $50 per month.

Make sure they can only just add records. Multiple users trying to edit the same records at once will cause data loss issues.

Thank you for the quick reply.

I suppose requiring sign-in would still not allow this to remain in the free category?


Thanks again. That is unfortunate. I already paid for a year of the Core plan several months ago and I had read that you could not run different plans on different apps simultaneously…Maybe I’m wrong about that.

Plan types are per account, and all apps under one account use the same plan type.

I think I am clear now…Though now I am rethinking my decision to buy ten licenses of Core when I could have paid for public and just kept my apps to a select group of people, thus adding as many as I needed…

Thanks for the help.

So AppSheet allows for up to 10 users for free. I do not think that you can have that many users accessing an un-deployed app at once without deployment and licensing. Depending on how simple this is you could use a google form to log the information you are looking for and have that go to a spreadsheet. You could even make an admin app that interacts with that spreadsheet that you and a team of 10 or less could use for free. But to have hundreds at a conference use an app in this capacity is not what the program is truly designed for. I recommend a google form and analyzing your data through the sheet that it creates. Sorry.

QREW Technologies

If all you need is a simple form, then why not just create a Google Form? If there is additional functionality required then certainly AppSheet would be more suitable.

Edit: @craig_sell beat me to it

My goal was to show off Appsheet, otherwise I would definitely go that route…I appreciate the response either way, though.

@craig_sell I could’ve sworn that I had read other people doing something like this in the community…Maybe I dreamed it…?

EDIT: Apparently I am still confused. It sounds like Marc is saying I can only do this with a public plan. Are you saying that the issue is actually deployment? I have a deployed app that I could use. I’m on the Core plan.

Here someone else asks the same question and for them it seemed like making it a public app worked well for them. You could look into that.

QREW Technologies

Public App Question

That is helpful, thanks. I didn’t know I could use multiple accounts in order to get different plans going…

Different accounts but remember each app is own by just one account. That’s how you can have different plans for your apps.
It’s common to use an account to edit Co-Authored Apps that’s not the account paying for the service

Right, but by “account” we just mean a Google account, right? So if I create an app under a different email, technically I can run that under a different plan and pay for it myself?

I hate to drag these questions out, but this may be the last one…

What if I had a public app on a portfolio, like so many others are…? Would the same limitations apply?

You don’t need a Google account for AppSheet. You just need one mail from the providers listed under “Log in”.

Apps on Portfolio don’t save new data, they are presented as is

Ah, forgot about that…

Alright, I’ll leave this thread alone. Thanks, everyone.

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