Need help!

I’m working in an app that has 3 tables with the same structure and on single form, I already make it works but I created the just using one table to fill with the form, now how can I copy the structure of table 1 to table 2 and 3, and then how can I link the form to the any of the 3 tables?

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New Member

I do not believe that there is a copy feature for this as of right now. For now, you will have to reproduce any of the functions or formulas that you have in table 1 into the other 2 from the Columns tab under Data. You will also need to generate a new form from the UX tab for the other 2 tables.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Consider using a single table instead of three, but adding a column that indicates which data set a particular row is for.

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