New Bug Encountered: Action: add row to another table produces a 'key' error

The new action: add a row to another table works, but produces this error (see image) upon the user first clicking the action. The second click of the action works just fine. What is happening?


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Does this fit under the Tips & Tricks Category?

Hi @Mark_Brownlee,

If feasible in your app design, I request you to try with a key column created with UNIQUEID() instead of column type datetime stamp.

Hi @Aleksi, I had also experienced exactly similar behaviour as described by @Mark_Brownlee when the computed key column consisted of datetime stamp column. I then changed the key column generation to UNIQUEID() and then the action behaved as expected with first time tapping success. Request you to look into and guide.

Hi @Mark_Brownlee, as mentioned by @Henry_Scott, you my wish to reclassify this post into General Questions or Report Bugs category.

Thank you!

For me it sounds that records are created at the same or almost the same time and thatโ€™s why it shows this error message.

Hi @Aleksi,

Thanks you for your update and analysis. As per my understanding probably you mean multiple records are simultaneously added by multiple users.

If so, just wanted to add a detail that might help. I observed the described behaviour while testing as a single user. When the child table has a DateTime type column as the key , the error shows while tapping the action first time. On second tapping the action correctly adds the row to the child table.

The parent table has a non DateTime type column key.

What happens if you click the 3rd, 4th and 5th one?

Hi @Aleksi,

The error shows before adding each new record. So in terms of taps, 1st , 3rd and 5th taps show errors while 2nd, 4th and 6th respectively add one record each.

In summary, before adding each new record, the error shows on first tap and adds the record on second tap after canceling the error displayed during the first tap.

For testing today, I had modified the sample app shared when this new action was announced.

I added a DateTime column as key in the LineItems child table. That has Order table as parent.

One addition:to details I also removed one action called PrefillBananas from PreFill group action as that would have added two child records with same datetime key and the Group add action Prefill would have never gone through.

@Suvrutt_Gurjar Would you please send this to I believe we should debug the reason, thanks.

Sure Aleksi.

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